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Harvest Outreach  Ministries

           Making disciples of the nations

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Jesus said "I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to God the Father, except through Me." John 14:6


Who is this Jesus?


The name  "Jesus" invokes variety of responses when it is called, pronounced or mentioned.



To many it is used to express an apprehension when they are at loss for words. To others, it's a word used when they are upset (cursed word)



For Christians the name of the Lord Jesus Christ is rev​ered and used; as not just a closing to the end of a prayer but as a gateway to the divine, the dwelling place of God Almighty (His very presence surrounded by His majestic Glory).




The Lord Jesus Christ has existed before time began, He is divine, a part of the Godhead (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). Through Him all things were created and kept in existence. (John 8:58, Colossians 1:15-17). However, the aspect of His person that is of importance to the world at this moment is His humanity.




In the Bible his conception was unusual and unnatural. His mother was impregnated by the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:25-26). This process although to the natural senses appears ridiculous and not practicable, however it helps explain His mission on earth, which is a sinless man being made a sacrificial offering for a sinful world to save the souls of lost mankind.




The blood that flows in Jesus' vein is spotless, uncontaminated and undefiled. No other human being (that is or will be born) has this attribute. This places Jesus Christ above any other historical, political and religious figure or person(s) that has been or will ever be in history.




His mission is simple. He was born to die for the sins of every human being that is born or will ever be born (Matthew 1:21). So that anyone that accepts and believe in Him will be saved. This applies to anyone who seeks answers to questions such as "who am I", "where did I come from", "what is my purpose on earth", "where am I going after this life is over?"         

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